The best state to start a business!

According to a new study conducted by WalletHub, Texas is the best state to start business!

WalletHub compared the 50 states across three key dimensions: Business Environment, Access to Resources and Business Costs. They evaluated those dimensions using 28 relevant metrics indicators of startup success, to determine the most fertile grounds in which to launch and grow an enterprise.

“Choosing the right state for a business is therefore crucial to its success. A state that provides the ideal conditions for business creation — access to cash, skilled workers and affordable office space, for instance — can help new ventures not only take off but also thrive”, mentioned Wallet Hub.

The study was conducted after a difficult 2020 year in the mid of a global pandemic, which demonstrate that Texas has been also a resilient State during the crisis.

Others states like Georgia, California and Florida also appears among the top 5.