NBSO visits Hydrogen Technology Expo Houston

Want to know more about Hydrogen Technology & Carbon Capture Technology: Every June, the Expo in Houston features the latest innovations and leading companies!

This year, NBSO-Texas was delighted to meet with Dutch companies Bronkhorst, IHI Hauzer Techno Coating, Ionbond – IHI Group, Avantium, and AWL at the Expo; and to attend insightful presentations at the Conference.

Some of the conference topics:

  • Pilot projects & Novel Hydrogen Production Methods
  • Carbon Negative Hydrogen Production
  • Certifying Hydrogen Readiness of Power Plants and Other Existing Infrastructure
  • Ports as Gateways for Market Lift-off for Hydrogen and it’s Derivatives

Interested to learn more about the Hydrogen Technology & Carbon Capture Technology Expo 2025?
Check out hydrogen-expo.com.

Are you a Dutch SME involved in the innovative side of the growing hydrogen economy or carbon capture business, with an interest in Texas? Contact us.